Gorgeous Gameplay with T110 E3 World of Tanks
Game Statistics: Map: Lakeville Tank: T110E3 Player: SAMBISTAgressorBoroda4 RZR Damage: 9014 Damage blocked by armor: 16660 The T110E3 is an American tier 10 tank destroyer. In 1954, a conference on future heavy tanks was held in Detroit. Alongside other advanced projects, the Chrysler Corporation suggested a new tank on the basis of the TS31 project. The main goal was to make the tank fit the Bern national tunnel. Several variants were considered, but the project was canceled. The T110E3 is the tier X American Tank Destroyer on the turretless tech tree. Slightly more compact and mobile than the T95, the E3 can move around the battlefield better with its increased top speed, but at the dire sacrifice of overall armor protection. Cutting the side and rear armor by more than half, the T110E3 is much more vulnerable to flanking tanks, and the lack of skirt armor on the sides makes the E3 take in more damage from artillery shells. However, the E3 still maintai