Amazing Ingenious Techniques, , How Woodworking Workers Build Large Monolithic Hardwood Curved Door
Amazing Ingenious Techniques, , How Woodworking Workers Build Large Monolithic Hardwood Curved Door How to Operate Amazing Extremely Modern Large Strange Woodworking Machines and How Ingenious Worker Build Extremely Beautiful Carved King Size Front Doors, with are carved by CNC machine Wood, Door thickness is 6cm, Column decorative wood 3. 5cm thick, overall height 320cm, overall width 280cm. Experienced Door sets are built and assembled within 4 weeks, excluding the wood drying time. In general, the customers and we are both satisfied with the product, what about you Please comment below, Thank You Contact order: 0948130999 Hai Duong province, VIET NAM Thi công Lắp đặt vách trang trí phòng khách bằng 100 Gỗ Gõ đỏ Nguyên khối được người thợ mộc khéo léo chạm khắc vô c, 249 br, br,