CrashFest (previously known as Crashbandicoot) returned this year at The Notorious IBE Winter Edition with a killer line up, and it was HYPE. Huge congratulations to bboy LEE (The Ruggeds The Netherlands) for winning the event backtoback (2020 2021) and bboy LILOU (Red Bull BC One Allstars France) for being crowned the BMF of the night. And thanks Tawfiq for having me yet again. Definitely one of my favorite events to go to. In order of appearance: Lee Amin Hiro10 Reptile Carlito Lilou Kosto Grom Bart Kid Mario Quake Luka Sunni Alvin Desmonster Lil G Special thanks to: Prins Bernhard Cultuur Fonds, FPK, cultuur Eindhoven, and Provincie NoordBrabant. Follow me on Instagram: