ASMR Typing TTC Bluish White on modded GMMK2 ASMR Tipkanje na najglatkijim polutihim prekidačima
Although semisilent switches are not very popular in the market, TTC Bluish White are fantastic tactile switches with extremely smooth actuation and hardly noticeable tactile bump that will not bother fans of linear switches. The only complaint is the high price, but for luxurious stock lubed switch with extended gold plated double spring, muted bottom, shorter total travel of 3. 5mm, a 42g operating force, and fully sealed stem for added stability and dust protection I guess such a price is justified. Iako polutihi prekidači nisu baš popularni na tržištu, TTC Bluish White su fantastični taktilni prekidači izrazito glatke aktuacije i jedva primjetne taktilne grbe koja neće smetati ljubiteljima linearnih prekidača. Jedina im je zamjerka visoka cijena, no oni takvu cijenu zaslužuju jer su po svemu luksuzan proizvod.