The vast majority of Hindus adhere to a Lactovegetarian diet, which excludes the consumption of meat as well as eggs; however, some may consume lamb, chicken, or fish. Because the cow is revered as a sacred animal, beef is never consumed, but dairy products and other items derived from cows are. Fats produced from animals, such as lard and dripping, are not allowed to be used. Meat, eggs, fish, spices, onions, garlic, hot peppers, pickles, and other items that may be described as pungent or spicy are included in this category. The most ideal kind of food, known as Sattvic, is food that does not irritate the stomach and that cleanses the mind; examples of Sattvic foods are fruits, nuts, vegetables, and grains in their full form. Since Hindus hold the belief that all living things are on an equal footing, it follows that they are lacto and fruitarians. They abstain from eating meat for the same rationale that would lead you to avoid eating a human being. Since humans and animals are on an equal