Our first Flight at VERONICA Flying Namibia, Hp H Twin Shark
Veronica Flying is a glider airfield which is located about 170km southeast of Windhoek. The perfect starting position for huge flights and a beautiful game lodge to relax on the ground. For the accomodation you can choose between cool tents and the most luxurious chalets. It was Jonathans first fight in Namibia and my first flight with the TwinShark. What an amazing experience Flight track: More details about the TwinShark: Veronica Flying: Created by Jonathan Steinhoff and Stefan Langer Get TWO MONTHS of Skysight weather forecast for free if you buy the annual subscription. SkySight: (only available for new customers) The best value for money glide computer: Camera equipment I use: Get 5 discount on products from SoaringXX w