Silly Threesome square dance
Larry Edelman leads the walkthrough and calls the figures at the Dare To Be Square weekend held November 1820, 2011, at the John C. Campbell Folk School, Brasstown, NC. Musicians are Steve Hickman, fiddle, harmonica, and mouth music; Jim Morrison, guitar; Claudio Buchwald, piano; Sam Bartlett, banjo. Shots of the musicians start at 2:10 in the video. The tune is Girl with the Blue Dress The weekend was sponsored by the Folk School and by Country Dance and Song Society. It brought six wellknown callers and 70 square dance enthusiasts together to explore many different styles of squares, including both traditional and modern. The organizers will post additional video clips watch this space as well as make audio clips and a syllabus available. This video posting is part of the Square Dance History Project. More information about us can be found here: Recorded 19 November 2011 by JohnMichael SengWheeler and David Millstone