Gaming on AMD A6 9500 R5 i GPU. 20 Games tested. AMD A6 9500 Review. Gaming Performance
A69500 all Tests: 00:01 Dirt Rally 01:44 Dead Or Alive 5 02:29 Rocket League 03:34 Overwatch 04:30 Counterstrike: Global Offensive CS:GO 06:07 Dota 2 07:32 Redout 09:20 Micro Machines 11:11 Skyrim 12:52 World Of Tanks 15:07 Mortal Kombat XL 16:35 Resident Evil 7 18:18 Titanfall 18:58 Street Fighter IV 19:17 Tomb Raider 20:18 Gran Theft Auto GTA V 21:15 Doom 22:26 Prey 23:53 Vanquish 25:19 Metal Gear Solid V Subscribe To TechEpiphany: