FANTASY FEST 2019 ( PART 2 ) Duval Street Key West, Florida
, KeyWest, FantasyFest, FantasyFest2019, DuvalStreet, KeywestDining DISCLAIMER Please note that Fantasy Fest is an Adult event18+ only Fantasy Fest 2019 Party 2 Party on Duval Street Key west, Florida. If youve never been to a Fantasy Fest in Key West, Florida heres a quick GoPro7 insight and this was only Wednesday SUBSCRIBE and turn on the NOTIFICATION BELL for more Fantasy Fest videos coming soon Fantasy Fest is an annual Adult Oriented week long celebration that emphasizes costume parties, creativity and a lot of alcohol base in Key West, Florida. Duval Street is the center for most of parties. Fantasy Fest has become a host for thousands of skimpily clad and painted party goers that attend themed costume parties and dozens of local bars to include: Sloppy Joes Toga Party, Captain Tony s Plaid Party, the Sand Bar s ABC Party, Fogarty s Red Party, the Pimp and Ho Party, the Pajama and Lingerie Party, Dante s Halo br, br,