Winx Club Season 6 DUB FAILS Extended Compilation
Ranging from missing songs to too many overlaying songs, losing voices to bad syncing, here is a nearfull compilation of 100+ musical dubbing fails from international versions of Winx Club Season 6 (with explanations for each mistake) The video is heavily inspired by the series of dub fail videos made by the legend Tomitos almost 7 years ago now It was definitely my favourite video concept when I was young, since it s very entertaining to look for errors in professional editing. As someone who edits video and audio frequently, I know how easy it is to skip small details here and some in this video are just painful to watch. Regardless, PLEASE check out Tomitos videos HUGE credits to Multilanguage Shows for almost EVERY audio in the video Credits to Joy lucky, Winx International, Winx Powers BR, Philippa54JS and MythixAdventure for ot