Girl Band Why They Hide Their Bodies Under My Garage
Girl Band s new album The Talkies is Out Now on Rough Trade Records, listen here: A cover of Blawan s Why They Hide Their Bodies Under My Garage Directed by Bob Gallagher bobfilmsthings) Featuring Brendan Conroy Leonard Tone Produced by John McKeown, Edited by Peter Madden, Director of Photography Deirdre O Toole, Choreography Maureen Butler, Assistant Choreographer Kate Finegan, Colourist Michael Higgins, Makeup Artist Niamh O Malley, Prosthetics Aoife Noonan, Location Services Bowsie Workshop, Camera Assistant Myrid Carten, Set Design Patrick Cunnigham, Set Dressing Marie Denham, Props Deirdre , Catering Leda De Forge, Stills Ellius Grace, transport Tony Brereton and Ryan Skelton. Thanks to: John and Nigel at Staffords funeral home, Filmbase equipment department, Teach Solais, Ann Noreen Enright, Suzanne Reid Follow Girl Band: Instagram: www