Cleveland: Unspeakable Truths ( TW: Child Sexual Abuse)
REMEMBER TO SUBSCRIBE Cleveland: Unspeakable Truths explores the lasting impact of 1987 Cleveland child abuse crisis in the UK in which hundreds of children were diagnosed by two pediatricians as having been sexually abused. Many, in fact the majority of the children were very young: most were prepubescent and in some cases so young (or developmentally delayed) as to be preverbal. Directed and Produced by Tim Tate, this heartbreaking documentary highlights how the Cleveland child abuse crisis resulted in tensions, misunderstandings and stresses in the interface between the public and the child protection system, and persistent challenges of creating and sustaining a successful multidisciplinary approach to intervention and protection. The key issues from Cleveland remain relevant to child protection today. This was not just the biggest sexual abuse case UK had then encountered but the very first involving multiple victims and multiple perp