Gym Jaunts For The Youngsters (1931)
In many Continental Schools, special courses of exercises are laid down for growing M, S of children exercising in a school gym or sports hall. The children look quite young 4 or 5 years old Various shots of the children climbing on bars, hanging down then lifting their legs about their heads. This is the kind of change from school lessons the youngsters like A man in a white coat helps two small boys to perform forward rolls. He looks slightly sinister to be honest A woman then does the same for the girls, helping girl to do a headstand then flip over into a crab. C, U of some of the girls in gym gear cute. Each child is given exercises considered exactly suitable a fit body is as essential as a fit mind here The gym teachers help two girls to balance on the bars. They lift the girls bodies so that they are leaning on one bar with their arms with their head balanced on another bar looks bizarre and uncomfortable. Two other girls do exercises on the bars. M