Bulgarian Language, Can Polish and Russian understand it
The Bulgarian language belongs to the South Slavic branch of the Slavic language family. In this episode, were going to see to what extent its intelligible to the speakers of Polish a West Slavic Language; and Russian an East Slavic language. In order to do that, we designed a word guessing game. Were you able to guess all the words we talked about Support my Work: Ecolinguist My name is Norbert Wierzbicki and I am the creator of this channel. Buy me a Coffee (I appreciate every donation no matter how big or small) Instagram: Book a Polish Lesson with Norbert (language conversation practice) Recommended Videos: Polish Bulgarian Conversation Polish Macedonian Conversation Polish Russian Conversation Slavic Languages Comparison Guests of the Show Norbert Wierzbicki IG Gery Galabova IG gerygalabova (YouTube Channel Алексей Дубинин English and Russian teacher Music producer, Moscow: FB: VK: IG: alexthedub Big hug for everyone reading my video descriptions You rock