This is an improvised ambient piece I recorded after a few people had asked about my pedal board. The effects used in this are primarily the Strymon Blue Sky Reverberator and two loops running on the Strymon El Capistan in sound on sound mode and the Electro Harmonix Stereo Memory Man in loop mode. The reason for running two loops is for the atmospheric ambient mixing you see me do at the end. It allows me to independently mix and fade out the loops, I introduce tape age artifacts on the swells from the El Capistan and I throw the Stereo Memory Man loop into reverse and bring it back up on the fade out. An Electro Harmonix Micro POG and Stereo Electric Mistress are used to color sounds here and there and the swells are done with the volume pot on my guitar and are sustained through the Deluxe Memory Man. My setup is quite simple despite how it looks on the board. I m playing a Japanese 62 reissue strat that I ve had forever into the pedal board with the formerly stated effects. From there I go