Sadko, Aida Garifullina sings Volkhovas Lullaby, Bolshoi Theater 2020 ( DVD, Blu ray excerpt)
A marvellous opera by Nikolai RimskyKorsakov staged by Dmitri Tcherniakov at the Bolshoi Theater of Moscow, multiawarded at the Golden Masks (Russian National Theatre Award). With Aida Garifullina and Ekaterina Semenchuk. Check out online : Watch now on VOD: In the 13th century, the rich merchants of Novgorod mock the dreams of faraway journeys and of commercial conquests brought forth by Sadko, a musician and singer. But Volkhova, the Sea Kings daughter, is enchanted by Sadkos voice, and promises to help him fulfill his Sadko is a decisive work in Nikolai RimskyKorsakovs aesthetic evolution. As in many operas, the composer draws his artistic material from Russian folk and fairytales, but also from old musical and poetic forms. The result is a prodigious opera, whose modernity both dramatic and musical erupts from the fabulous resources of traditional Russian epics, but also from the wonders of the marine universe, br, br,