Stephen Cohen: War in Ukraine Is American Russian Proxy War
World Russia Forum, Washington, DC. The new Cold War has been deepened and institutionalized, sanctions institutionalized it. Turning Ukrainian civil war into a proxy AmericanRussian war institutionalized new Cold War. Diplomacy in Washington and Moscow has been displaced by another Cold War phenomena militarized thinking about politics. Militarized thinking about politics leads to the end of politics and beginning of war. Let s say somehow we get past the Ukrainian Crisis we still be in a new Cold War with Russia, it s not gonna end, damage is done. We are in a new cold war, and in a Ukrainian crisis today, largely because Washington discarded the concept of parity. Unless détente, and it s necessary component parity are reenacted the new Cold War will go worse. Probably it will last decades, so our kids and grandkids get it, as we did. And along with it the constant danger of Hot War with Russia.