Invasion Scenes (1944)
Unused, unissued material. Location and dates unknown, unclear. France. (Possibly around June 1944). LS of American army trucks moving along road. Shots of British troops setting up camp. Putting up shelters, shaving, digging trenches. British engineers look over abandoned vehicles, Quick shot of soldier with metal detector. Shots of British troops carrying boxes marked PIAT. Shots of British field medical post in old farm house. Medics load things on to jeep. Various shots of bull dozer moving earth. More shots of medical post. Wounded being moved around. More shots of British troops digging in making positions for heavy mortar. Various shots of locals and British troops milling around in streets of town. Troops go into impressive French church. Various shots of troops laying complicated set of cables. Shots of field telephone switchboard. Out of focus shots of field artillery. Shots of tanks moving across field of wild flowers. Howitzers fire. Shots of British troops ma