Spaghetti Eating Race (1959)
Soho, London. M, S of seven glamorous but scantily dressed women getting out of a London taxi a bevy of beauties and a party about to begin what more lively combination could you ask for They walk past a doorman in a top hat and enter Fleming s hotel. M, S of five men with handlebar moustaches in vests sitting at a restaurant table, one of the men is wearing a sombrero and they all have garlands of pasta around their necks. The women saunter past and the men stand and doff their hats. Two of the men pretend to have a scuffle, as if they were trying to get to the women. The women take a seat at a nearby table. M, S of the restaurant and the two tables. Panning shot along the table of waiters serving large plates of spaghetti to the women. The narrator explains the party is, in fact, a contest to see who can swallow spaghetti fastest the beauties from London s Talk of the Town, or the hairy gentlemen of the Handlebar Club who are recognised (in some places ) World Champion Spaghetti Eater