Flirt The Wind by Nick Roach (original song)
Flirt The Wind by Nick Roach; sung and strummed with Aileen Linney. I have been working on my video editing skills Filmed on a Canon 5d Mark II. Your green skirt flirts the wind as I follow you Through crowds of gray a thousand voices play Begin umbrella beats but I still follow you Through the pouring rain hopscotch where puddles drain Give only careful peeks because if you notice me You just might look away the thought makes me afraid As we roam, your shadow becomes my home Where I m alone And I hold, these dreams that are all that I own All that I know Footsteps forgot and lost where I am wandering Fade in and out the world around me Swift wind, forget my skin where I am wandering A thousand little sounds are drowned when you re around me I m scared to step too close because that would make you real This dream could drift away the thought br, br,