Live Song In Nature With 5000 Year Old Dwarfie Stane Orkney Scotland BETWEEN HER STONE CARVED THIGHS
Listen, Download Deya Dova recording BETWEEN HER STONE CARVED THIGHS a live song in nature spontaneously sung with the 5, 000 year old carved out megalith known as Dwarfie Stane. Recorded live on location in the Orkney Islands, within Earth energy line intersection UVG Planetary Grid Point 11, Scotland. From Deya Dova s 7 year Planetary Grid Music Journey singing and recording with the resonance of living breathing Earth Gaia at over 44 locations across the planet. PLANETARY GRID MUSIC COLLECTION The tundra is wild and wind swept and North wind chills to the bone. I sit sheltered in the doorway of a megalithic carved out stone that looks like it has been cut and thrown from the high escarpment above. Tales of hyperborean giants and dwarfs fable this massive slab of sandstone. Its mythic presence holds a ceremonial solitude nested in the remoteness of the steep sided va br, br,