The King inspects Boy Scouts at Buckingham Palace (1920)
GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit King George V inspects Boy Scouts at Buckingham Palace with Queen Mary, Prince Albert, Prince Henry and Princess Mary in attendance Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Boy Scouts at Buckingham Palace ENGLAND: London: City of Westminster: Buckingham Palace: EXT LV. King George, Lord BadenPowell Duke of York walk across forecourt LV GV. King George inspecting boy scouts (several shots) STV. Buses crowded with boy scouts past Queen. Princess Mary. Prince Henry. Duke of York. Baden Powell George V of Great Britain, Personalities Armed Forces, George VI of Great Britain, Royalty, Youth Organisations boy scouts, ceremony, ceremonies Background: King George V inspects Boy Scouts at Buckingham Palace with Queen Mary, Prince Albert, Prince Henry and Princess Mary in attendance FILM ID: VLVA19NL356Z0YF4Y32OL5ELTGEGS To l