This is my city ( Subtitulada) Timothy Victor
This is my city, canción de el penúltimo capítulo de la segunda temporada de skins subtitulada por mí, la he interpretado a mi manera para que tenga un poco mas de sentido, espero que sirva y que guste :). Cualquier duda o sugerencia tan solo hazla saber. Salu2 y aquí dejo la letra: Turning my memories Hoping to find out where all the loyalty s gone The friends that I had then Turned into strangers Thinking of you all along If you see me now You won t see me alone If you see me I ll be heading home Cause this is my town This is my city Through my eyes, looks so pretty This is my town, this is my city now These are my people, this is my song Dirty streets where I belong This is my town, this is my city now This is my city now Burning these pages Our broken story Words are just strangers to me Thought we could work this out I was wrong You put the desperate doubt into me If you see me n