Oliver, Chloe, Clark Secrets (pt. 2 of I Cry )
READ FIRST (The Song was originally Cut from Plumb. . But Youtube took out the song, so hopefully the replacement song is alright) Oliver was rushed to the hospital, leaving Chloe and Clark in a dilemma. Later that night Clark deals with the last words Oliver said to him before he was rushed into the ER, he asked clark to tell Chloe that he still loves her. Chloe on the other hand feels guilty for not telling Oliver the truth, but is in doubt if she still should. Clark feels that it is time for Oliver to know the truth about his son and tries to convince Chloe to come clean to Oliver. So she does with a phone call. In shock Oliver doesnt really know what to to with this new information and goes to sneak into Chloe s home to catch a glimps of his son. Oliver therefore starts putting in the pieces. Clark flashes the earlier conversation he had with Oliver, trying to explain why he was silent for the last 4 years, but couldnt. Chloe struggles with br, br,