Bad Gear Mother 32
Become a Patron and get access to music clips from the show, additional content, Bad Gear samples and even more AudioPilz madness Welcome to Bad Gear, the show about the world s most hated audio tools. Today we are going to talk about the Moog Mother32. Is this semimodular synth and ultimate gateway drug into the world of Eurorack really Bad Gearworthy or am I just trying to find a way to make my post inMusic takeover purchase tax deductible Is it really a oneofakind analog synthesizer or should you get the Behringer Crave or Behringer Model D Chapters: 00:00 Intro tune 00:56 Overview Bad Gear Mother32 01:26 Oscillator 01:47 LFO 02:04 Ladder Filter 02:18 High Pass Mode and Workarounds, SelfOscillation 02:42 Envelope 02:53 Architecture, Patches, Routings 03:29 Midi, Sequencer, Ratchets 03:55 Integration into Modular Setups 04:20 What else (Build Quality, Pricing) 04:34 Hate 04:59 Jam 1 (Techno) 05:48 Jam 2 (Ambient with Drums) 06:45 Finale (More Techno) 07:17 Verdict