Tumulation Shattered Under The Eclipse
Preorder: Pure fucking filth and destruction Tumulation is the perfect Death, Doom Metal band featuring Conjureth members Behold, the unholy force of Tumulation, the Californian Death, Doom purveyors who summon forth a massive wall of downtuned filth. Embracing the swampy early 90s Death, Doom Metal, Haunted Funeral Creations exudes a malevolent aura of aggression and anger, saturating every pore with this infernal atmosphere. With an unwavering dedication to the old school Death, Doom Metal, Tumulations firstclass rancid and merciless sound remains incredibly varied, never faltering into irrelevance or tedium. Switching instruments and roles, the members of Conjureth formed Tumulation in 2021 to delve into new musical ideas, concocting a new songwriting process that focuses on the swampy early 90s Doom, Death sound. Tumulations two backtoback demos received critical acclaim from both the media and fans, unleashing th