5 Little Ducks, Monkeys And Monsters, Little Baby Bum Nursery Rhymes for Kids
We re available on Spotify SUBSCRIBE for new videos every Songs About Numbers, ABC s and shapes: LBB TV: LBB and friends: Ten little animals, Counting for kids: ABC song: El Bebe Productions Limited part of LittleBabyBum As I go on a walk, what can I see I see five little ducks five little ducks swimming through the reeds wave when you see mama duck wave both hands wave wave wave ducks are a wonderful bird As I go on a walk, what can I see I see five little monkeys five little monkeys sitting in the big green tree jump when you see a monkey eat a banana jump so high jump jump jump monkeys are so fun and funny As I go on a walk, what can I see I see five little monsters five little monsters playing hide and seek clap your hands when you see the monsters clap your hands clap clap clap monsters have now appeared