Go Kväll. Swedish Subtitles. )
For the young, she is Bianca s grandmother and Pernilla s mother, known from the world of television program Wahlgren. But in her biography A Heavenly Life, Christina Schollin, 81, tells of her contentrich life. It is about everything from marriage to Hans, the poor selfconfidence, the acting, the life as a toddler mom when she went against the very Ingmar Bergman. In the Go Kväll kitchen, it s Erik Brännström who offers the guests something good. Psychologist Per Höglund tells us about bonus parents and how they make the relationship with the new children and the other parent work. And host Pia Herrera continues her journey to Riga. The video includes swedish subtitles För unga är hon Biancas mormor och Pernillas mamma, känd från tvprogrammet Wahlgrens värld. Men i sin biografi Ett himla liv berättar Christina Schollin, 81, om sitt innehållsrika liv. Det handlar om allt från äktenskapet med Hans, det dåliga självförtroendet, skådespeleriet, livet som småbarnsmamma till när hon gick emot självaste