Stick Control Page 1 Exercise 6 Play Along lesson with Heather Thomas
Do you get to exercise, 6 on page 1 of stick control and suddenly get thrown for a loop You re not alone Many of us have made it through the singles, doubles, even paradiddles, but have not yet encountered the inverted paradiddle. This video slows down the pattern in the hopes of getting us to program that beat without worrying about the rest of the page, and without trying to do it too fast (at least at first ). New patterns take some real time and repetition to become muscle memory, so join me as we program this new sticking combination in a relaxed and easy setting. I ll also take you through some faster versions of the pattern, but don t worry, you can always slow down the video or keep going back to the original tempo If you enjoy this lesson, you can always sign up for a oneonone zoom lesson with me at and use the discount code HTYOUTUBE for 15 off your first lesson Buy your own copy of Stick Control: http