Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ couldnt hold back his tears, Türkiye Tek Yürek
In these days when the biggest earthquake disaster of the last century that left deep wounds in Türkiye s heart, all TV channels came together for help in the joint broadcast. , TürkiyeTekYürek Campaign of Aid Bank Accounts: T. C. ZİRAATBANK A. Ş. ANKARA KAMU KURUMSAL BRANCH: SWIFT TCZBTR2A TL IBAN TR32 0001 0017 4555 5555 5553 60 USD IBAN TR05 0001 0017 4555 5555 5553 61 EUR IBAN TR75 0001 0017 4555 5555 5553 62 GBP IBAN TR48 0001 0017 4555 5555 5553 63