Battlefield 4 FINE lll 1440p
EN: After some time we bring you next big project of successful series FINE, the third one shows you the amazing moments, that you can see only in Battlefield. SK: Po dlhšej dobe vám prinášame ďalší veľký projekt úspešnej serie FINE, tretia časť vám ukáže úžasné momenty ktoré uvidíte len v Battlefielde. Players: Imra73, kamilko1990, VAGINASC7iT0R, SpiritPP, TheFrostbiteSK, TusamonCZ, skumat0r, mraz0, DaliSVK, FoRce00, Jariuscz, Kesav01, SIMOramboSVK, Socratescze, hlawolam, CasH1Scz, Emzak555, Kudlis1cz (Big THANKS ALL)