Select Transparent Stuff with Blend Modes Photoshop Tutorial
Easily Mask Transparent Objects by Using Simple Blend Modes and Change the Background in Photoshop In this video, we will mask a wine glass on a white background by using the concepts of how Blending Modes work, along with BlendIf. Also in this tutorial, we will learn to create realistic reflections on the glass along with techniques to match it with the background. Then, we will also create a shadow to make the composite natural. Hope this video helps, thank you for watching :) RECOMMENDED TUTORIAL: 2 Ways to Select Transparent Objects in Photoshop: DOWNLOADS: 1. Sample Image of Glass (Stock): 2. Background Image: 3. Finished PSD: (Only for our Patreon Family) HELP US CREATE MORE FREE VIDEOS: Support us at Patreon: SHARE: LET S CONNECT: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: http