Healing words: Speech therapy brings Gaza s children back to normalcy
Healing words: Speech therapy brings Gazas children back to normalcy Children in the Gaza Strip live under constant stress due to unstoppable Israeli bombings. The fear theyve endured has left some with seizures, involuntary urination, stuttering, and in some cases, complete loss of speech. Speech therapist Dina Hani has set up sessions for children in her tent near Khan Yunis to help them regain their ability to speak. The results are remarkablemany children are speaking again, and all who attend come to the lessons with joy and enthusiasm. In an interview with Sputnik, Dina shared how children are slowly relearning to speak, step by step, just as they did before the war. Subscribe to club80289214, SputnikInt Source: Sputnik International t. me, SputnikInt