The Zen Go Synergy Core: Does This Have It All
Enter to WIN the ZEN GO GIVEAWAY here: Join the Produce Like A Pro Academy here: Download the FREE Multitracks here: Get the ZEN GO here: Check out some of Warren s Favourite Gear here: 0:00 Start 4:57 Piano 8:03 Vocals 10:05 Vocal Compressed 14:18 Keys DI 14:46 Drums 15:56 Mix Breakdown 49:36 End Song: Fire Away (Chris Stapleton Cover) Artist: Steve Maggiora Today we are taking another look at Antelope Audio s ZEN GO We will be recording a song and doing a mix breakdown with it we are also giving you the mutitracks for FREE so you can follow along and mix the song yourself Antelope generously gave us one of these ZEN GO s to giveaway to you click the link above to enter to win The Zen Go Synergy Core shrinks the soundquality gap between artists