Glenohumeral Ligaments, ligaments of the shoulder Everything You Need To Know
Dr. Ebraheim s animated educational video describing the glenohumeral ligaments of the shoulder. The superior, middle, and inferior glenohumeral ligaments play different roles in the stability of the humeral head, depending on arm position and degree of rotation. The SGHL runs from the anterosuperior labrum to the humerus. Function: Resists anterior translation of adducted arm. The MGHL runs from the anterosuperior glenoid, arising just inferior o the superior GHL, to the anterior aspect of the anatomic neck of the humerus. Function: resists anterior and posterior translation in the midrange of arm abduction at 45 degrees and external rotation. The IGHL (anterior and posterior bands) run from the inferior twothirds of the glenoid labrum to the lateral humerus.