Yaad Ata Hai Tera Darbar Syeda Areeba Fatima
New Hajj Kalam 2023, Yaad Ata Hai Tera Darbar, Syeda Areeba Fatima, Ya ALLAH, Official Video , syedaareebafatima, yaadatahaiteradarbar, arabic, NaateMustafa, naat, syedaareebafatima Vocal: Syeda Areeba Fatima Orignal Reciter: Shahid Baltistani Audio : ZDS Video: Nasheed Islamic Production DOP: Ahsan Siddiqui Edit: Farman Usman Babbar Label : Syeda Areeba Fatima , syedaareebafatima, naat, hamd, arabic, NaateMustafa, naat, syedaareebafatima , NaateMustafa, Prophet, Quran, nasheed, arabic, arabicnasheed, naat, naatcream, vocals, islamicnasheed, muslims, muslimworld, NaatMustafaMustafa Connect with us: , syedaareebafa. . Subscribe to this Youtube Channel for more videos.