She Came to Me Trailer, 1 (2023)
Check out the official trailer for She Came to Me starring Anne Hathaway and Peter Dinklage Sign up for a Fandango FanAlert for She Came to Me: Subscribe to the channel and click the bell icon to be notified of all the hottest trailers: Shop Rotten Tomatoes: US Release Date: September 29, 2023 Starring: Anne Hathaway, Marisa Tomei, Peter Dinklage Director: Rebecca Miller Synopsis: Composer Steven Lauddem is creatively blocked and unable to finish the score for his big comeback opera. At the behest of his wife, Patricia, formerly his therapist, he sets out in search of inspiration and finds much more than he bargained for. Learn more: Watch More: Rotten Tomatoes Originals: Fresh New Clips: Hot New Trailers: New TV This Week: Rotten Tomatoes TRAILERS delivers hot new trailers, exclusive content, and first looks for all the best upcoming movies. Be the first to see everything coming to theaters and your favorite streaming platforms all in one place , SheCameToMe, PeterDinklage, AnneHathaway