Alex In Russialand TRAILER
We are writing this description to you right now from Russia because we want you to see the movie they just made about Alex and his friends in the Wild East Watch this trailer (set to 1080pHD) and then go to a film festival near you write to and we will tell you when and where you can see this fun movie about Alex s adventures in Russia Alex Carlin is not Borat he is a real person, and this is really his life. For seven years Alex and his rock band have been on a nonstop tour of Russia over 100 concerts per year. From Murmansk in the Arctic Circle to the Southern Black Sea, from the Far West Kaliningrad to the Far East Kamchatka, through the vast untamed Siberian territories so ripe for rock and roll, the ALEX CARLIN BAND gets to the next gig by train, not plane. The Russian RockandRoll Railroad is a daily adventure of music, romance, fascinating characters and unsinkable peopletopeople diplomacy. In 2020, a documentary movie was completed only a momen