Sasha Wavy Gravy (re: Fracted : Live At the Barbican)
If you want to hear more music that fits the Late Night Tales vibe, why not pop over to Spotify and check out our LNT Likes playlists, curated by the one and only Bill Brewster. (LNT: Digging In The Crates) Updated regularly and compiled with love, care, and occasionally attention, they re the music lovers wet dream Follow us on: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Wavy Gravy is taken from Sasha : reFracted: Live limited edition BluRay (Sold Out). ReFracted was a two day event at Londons Barbican, hosted by Sasha, and accompanied by an orchestra, and performing songs from his Scene Delete album released on Late Night Tales, along with tracks from his back catalogue. This seminal classical, brought a sold out Barbican hall to their feet, tipping his hat to an old classic, but with a modern, neoc