Australian Jewish Community Tribute to the Late Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks z l
The Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ) and Zionist Federation of Australia (ZFA) cohosted an Australiawide community tribute to the late Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zl on zoom on Wednesday 11 November 2020 at 7:00pm AEDT. The program included tributes from ECAJ coCEO Peter Wertheim AM, ZFA CEO Ginette Searle, Rabbi Genende OAM as well as Rabbi Benjamin Elton and Rabbi Jeffrey Kamins (on behalf of Rabbi Jacqui Ninio). Pslam 23 was read by Rabbanit Judith Levitan (Hebrew) and Jacquie Seemann (English). El Malei Rachamim was recited by Chazan Mordechai Levin.