Megadeth Lying In State
Megadeths official video for Lying In State, directed by Leo Liberti. Track taken from the album Dystopia. Get Dystopia here: Exclusive album bundles: CD LP Listen on Spotify Stay uptodate on all things Megadeth at PRODUCTION COMPANY: LIBERTÀ FILMS GROUP DIRECTED AND EDITED BY: LEO LIBERTI CAMS: LEO LIBERTI, EDU OHARA, RENAN PACHECO, EDU GALENO AND ULISSES ANDREGUETTO Dystopia Vic Costume: Jonathan Chapdelaine Mélanie Bergeron, , Utopique Creationsy Music video by Megadeth performing Lying In State. (C) 2018 UMG Recordings, Inc. , Megadeth, LyingInState, Vevo, Rock, OfficialMusicVideo