How Endless Eight Became one of the Most Hated Arcs in Anime History
Use the coupon code Redbard on BookWalker for 600 yen (about off of your first purchase DON T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE Thank you to all my wonderful volunteer voice actors Here s their twitter handles, go show em some love In order of appearance: ahanneken, thelof9, AryaTayebi, DrCullenPHD, CGrotesque, pixelatedlenses, StrawHatRobin, daddotjpeg, 1mpavidus, DylanMobleyVO, lekaitsu, timecrowaves, Solarin, MarissaLenti, djro45, katrinaltrnsl8r, CorinneDeCost, EightBitBrody, DrCullenPHD (again lol), daddotjpeg (again lol), keelyclove, TheonecalledTnT, UltimaShadowX, DigiAtlas, and TechCakeMix. The little bloopers on the end card are by (in order) lekaitsu, daddotjpeg, keelyclove, and DrCullenPHD god, this video took forever didn t it. I started it shortly after my R; N review thinking it d be like, 20 minutes long25 tops.