10 questions with INFECTED RAIN
Deseti vybraným otázkám Metalshop TV z profesního i osobního života čelila tentokrát frontwoman moldavské metalové komety INFECTED RAIN Lena Scissorhands Interview proběhlo na letošním ročníku festivalu Brutal Assault, , Metalshop TV caught up with Lena Scissorhands of INFECTED RAIN at this year s Brutal Assault festival to ask her 10 fun questions both about her music and her personal life Pokud se vám video líbilo, neváhejte sdílet, lajkovat a odebírat ,, If you like what you see, feel free to like, share and subscribe LENA SCISSORHANDS INSTAGRAM INFECTED RAIN INSTAGRAM METALSHOP INSTAGRAM KOREJ INSTAGRAM Official metal merchandise alternative fashion available at: CZ SK US WORLDWIDE Metalshop is your no. 1 source for metal merchandise shipping worldwide