The FBIs OIG Report On The San Diego FBI s Failure To Prioritize Counterterrorism Investigations
I read from the FBI s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) report which was publicly released in June 2006. In this section of the chapter, the FBI Office of the Inspector General review of the Nawaf alHazmi and Khalid alMihdhar chronology revealed no appreciable shift in resources by the FBIs San Diego Field Office in response to these changed priorities. Because there were no changes in the San Diego FBI priorities regarding international and counterterrorism, Al Qaeda s presence in the city went unnoticed, even thou some of them had lived quite openly. A Review of the FBI s Handling of Intelligence Information Related to the September 11 Attacks: Chapter Three, Section 4: (San Diego FBIs Failure To Prioritize Counterterrorism Investigations)