Strength Grace By The Brent Brothers (1931)
Introductory intertitle reads: Not to mention two charming partners Two couples perform acrobatic feats in front of a curtain backdrop. The Brent Brothers lift the girls high into the air and the girls strike elegant poses. The rugged strength of Adam matches the lithesome suppleness of Eve C, U of woman being held aloft. The girls wear shorts and bikini tops, the men wear trunks. One of the girls is lifted up and does a contortion, holding her foot against her head. The girls are lowered very slowly. Many a weary hour and tired muscle lies behind the difficult art of One of the men does a handstand balancing on the other man s hand and head. They then let go of their hands so that the man is balancing just with one hand on his friend s head One of the girls leans over backwards into a crab. The other is lifted aloft difficult to see how the two brothers are holding her up. Fast work with a little analysis by our slow The men swing the girls around by