Nine Inch Nails: live at Hollywood Palladium 2018 Show, 6 of 6 ( Multicam edit, HD, Full show)
Nine Inch Nails live in Los Angeles, Hollywood Palladium, 15 December 2018. Multicam edit. Full show. Final show of the fantastic Cold and Black and Infinite tour as well as Hollywood Palladium 6show residency. Featuring guest appearances by Mariqueen Maandig Reznor and Mike Garson. Let this film be a consolation for everyone who was going to see NIN in 2021, before the plug was pulled, and a reminder of how amazing this band is for everyone else. I ve no doubt we ll see Trent Co live again as soon as pandemic is over. In the meantime, stay safe. Big thanks to everyone who contributed raw footage, including lots of material that wasn t posted online before. If you sent me your videos and your name isn t in the final credits don t worry. This is just the first release in the Palladium series. The other five shows will follow in near future. A special shout out to Brian Dickson, who provided amazing 4K footage of his own as well as material he collected from other people a couple of years ago, for a s