Christian Witness
The takeover of Lebanon from a country basically Christian, 54 versus 44 Muslim, rising to 60 Muslim in just several decades is described in Lessons of Lebanon Lost, with a nightmarish description of events through the eyes of a teenage, terrified ChristianLebanese girl it should be a wakeup call. Among the historians and political observers who follow the sweep of Islam as both religion and culture, is Dr. Peter Hammond in his book Slavery, Terrorism and Islam, the Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat. The source of the percentage data below is the US Central Intelligence Agency, World Facts Data, 2007. Of the almost 200 countries in the world, about a quarter are summarized below with their Muslim population percentages: the average for all of Europe being now about 5. However, low or moderate values tend to be completely misleading as to political influence, for example England and France, because of Muslimic concentration in tight, closelypacked enclave neighbor