Israel Started BIG Mistake John Mearsheimer vs Piers Morgan
Political scientist and father of realism John Mearsheimer returns for an indepth debate about the current conflict in the Middle East between Israel, Iran and Palestine and the threat of nuclear war on the world from Russia, 00:00 Introduction 00:50 Reaction to Iran attack on Israel 04:50 Israel started this conflict 07:00 Giving Iran nuclear weapons 09:50 Russia will use nuclear weapons 14:50 How the West should respond to Russian nukes 21:00 Putin likely to win 24:05 Morality of dropping atomic bomb in WW2 32:15 Is John positive about the future of mankind Subscribe to stay uptodate on all Uncensored content. Follow Piers Morgan Uncensored on: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: TikTok: Follow Piers Morgan on: Twitter: Instagram: , israel, palestine, iran, russia, piersmorgan, debate