Soviet targets in air, sea and land through the lens of Luftwaffe Bf 109 gun cameras in 1941
0:00 Ilyushin DB3 bomber on the Finnish Front under fire with the lack of visible flashes characteristic of cannon fire suggests that only the MG 17 machine guns are being used. The aircraft does not seem to be overly bothered by the impacts and testament to the fact that by WWII riflecaliber machineguns were no longer effective weapons against the resilience of modern bombers. It s possible that sufficient damage was done to the engine that the aircraft would not make it home, but there is no immediate evidence of fire or significant structural damage. Also of note are flashes coming from the bomber s dorsal turret, the gunner is attempting to fend of his attacker however it s evident that the vertical tail is preventing him from getting a clear shot. A second bomber appears similarly immune to gunfire before it disappears into the clouds. 0:39 Shipping in the White Sea under fire, first a smaller vessel that again appears to be taking only machine gun fire with little effect. A sec