Jo Schornikow, Our Vinyl Sessions
Get new music in your inbox every Friday Please click those like and subscribe buttons. It helps us keep doing what we are doing OurVinyl presents joschornikow performing at a private residence in East Nashville, TN. The original songs performed are: 00:00 Lose Yr Love 02:59 Visions 07:44 Plaster 10:36 Come Back Presave to stream, purchase this session on other music platforms: You may also enjoy our Folk Playlist, Jo Schornikow: From Melbourne, Australia, Jos first job at 17 was as a church organist, a job shes picked up again now in Nashville, where she lives with her husband Matthew Houck of Phosphorescent and their two children. Shes played keyboard in that band for over 8 years now, touring heavily all over the world as a full band, and ducking into BBC to